Freedom to us means access and the ability to achieve our dreams. Here is to you.. the uncommon breed
RE-IMAGINE Freedom- Your dream to go up Mount Kenya’s highest point (Batian 5,199m Asl) is valid and we believe in it. Batian Ready is an exclusive Hikemaniak born out of previous experiences and our commitment to always take you BEYOND. That is the reason why we have put together this exciting, intensive but achievable program to see you through training and eventually achieving your dream to stand at the roof of Kenya.

We want YOU to train hard so you can play easy when the time comes. We aim to have two training cohorts for the two climbing seasons in 2023;
I. January- March 2023
II. June- September 2023
Our focus, for now, is the January-March attempts and registration is NOW OPEN until 14th October 2022. Training starts immediately on 15th October – 31st December 2022. Depending on the number of people finishing the intense training. We shall schedule each for the Climbs scheduled in the months of January- March 2023 on first come first serve to schedule.
Once you register you will receive a detailed welcome package detailing Batian Ready-specific training dates and departure dates for the climb.
Why train as team-
· It helps at keeping you accountable
· Exciting and easy to learn from each other
· Easy to improve skills levels
· Increases morale and shared wins are sweeter

Training overview
1. October -December; Outdoor Climbing Sessions every fortnight- Specific dates to be communicated after registration(Location- Hells Gate National Park -Naivasha and Lukenya)
· Know your gears & Common Knots in Climbing
· Climbing language and terms
· Body movement and balance
· Rope Management

· Lead Belaying
· Abseiling
· Gear placement & Cleaning
· Multi-pitch climbing
2. October- December- Every Fortnight indoor training- at Blue Sky Climbing Gym at Parklands
· Strength & Endurance
· Climbing Techniques

3. December; Climb N Camp-High Altitude Climbing Prep– Location: Dragon’s Teeth Aberdares.
- 5 Indoor Sessions- Kes. 1,300/- Per session ( Price for Monday only) at Blue Sky Gym at Diamond Plaza in Parklands
- 5 Outdoor Sessions- Kes 4,900/- Per Session USD. 75.00 for Non Residents
- 1 Climb N Camp- Kes. 17,400/- USD. 235.00 for Non Residents
- 1 Nelion-Batian Attempt- Kes. 90,000/- (10% Discount for Batian Ready subscribers) USD. 1500.00 for Non Residents

1. Nelion (5188m asl)-Batian (5199m asl) Climbs are weather dependent and dates may change align to allowable weather forecast.
2. Batian Ready subscribers will enjoy a 10% discount on the Mt. Kenya Nelion-Batian South East Face Attempt. One is considered a Batian Ready member if you have subscribed and followed through with program.
3. We have scheduled 5 climbs between January- Early March 2023
4. Each Attempt Party will have a max of 6 climbers- being assigned to an attempt party is on 1st come 1st served to schedule.
5. 1:1 Climber-Guide Ratio
6. Each climber has can only make one attempt within the terms of the Batian Ready Program- any other attempt will be under new terms
7. Registration fee will also be part the final climbing cost for the Nelion Batian Attempt
8. Registration Closes on 14th October 2022
How to register
1. Fill in this google form
2. Pay a commitment fee of Kes. 1,500/-
How to Pay Via Mpesa:
Paybill No. 5211729
Account: Batian Ready
NB: This commitment fee will eventually be part of Nelion Batian Climbing Fee.
Our safety pledge:
Safety First is our Mantra, We shall adhere to the highest level of safety during the Batian Ready training and the climb.

On your Part;
By filling this form you take the responsibility of the risk involved but most importantly your interest and commitment to this program.
We promised beyond and each day we are working on ways to see you feel more, live more and better by enriching your experiences outside.

REMEMBER: Gravity is a myth ..let’s ROCK ON!!!